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Myth: TRICARE Covers Everything

Fact: It doesn't, and that can leave you with out-of-pocket expenses. Find out how a TRICARE Supplement Insurance Plan can help you limit those prescription costs.

Prescription Peeves

We understand that getting your prescriptions can be a frustrating experience. Perhaps you’ve stretched out the time in between refills to bide time for increasing co-pays. Maybe you’ve even waited on filling a prescription entirely for the same reason. However, the TRICARE Supplement Insurance Plan can cover prescription drug co-pays that TRICARE doesn’t. Keep reading to learn more about how the TRICARE Supplement Insurance Plan can help you save money in the long run.

Common Questions

These conversations are fictitious and for illustration purposes.

Help Keep Up with TRICARE Changes
Avatars_0011_vinny_veteran Vinny: Recently got a prescription and TRICARE didn’t pay any of it.
Selman Facebook Message Circle  TRICARE Supplement: TRICARE covers most prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Prescription drugs may be covered under the pharmacy benefit or medical benefit. If TRICARE covers your prescription, we can then pick up the rest of the leftover cost!
Avatars_0008_sammy_soldier Sammy: How does the TRICARE Supplement work with drug co-pays? 
Selman Facebook Message CircleTRICARE Supplement: If TRICARE or CHAMPVA covers that prescription,  we will reimburse the co-pays after the deductible.
Avatars_0006_gina-guardsman Gina: We are looking at supplemental insurance. Our son has been recently diagnosed as type 1 diabetic and looking for insurance assistance for glucose monitors and insulin pumps. He is age 15.
Selman Facebook Message Circle TRICARE Supplement: We can definitely help your family! We have a 6 month waiting period for pre-existing conditions,* but once that time has passed, we will gladly pick up the portion that TRICARE or CHAMPVA does not pay.

Who is Eligible?

1. Military retirees and their families

2. Spouses/children of active duty service persons

3. National Guard and Reserve members and their families


*This policy is guaranteed acceptance, but does contain a Pre-Existing Condition Limitation. Please refer to the links in the first paragraph below for more information on exclusions and limitations, such as Pre-Existing Conditions.

Coverages described above may vary according to the member's TRICARE/CHAMPVA plan design.
Important Documents: TRICARE/CHAMPVA Supplement Insurance Plans are subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Policies underwritten by Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company detail exclusions, limitations, and terms under which the policies can be continued in force or discontinued. Read details for your type of supplement insurance plan: TRICARE Prime  |  TRICARE TRRTRICARE Select  |  TRICARE TRS  |  TRICARE Active Duty | CHAMPVA
The TRICARE/CHAMPVA Supplement Insurance Plans are administered by SelmanCo. Underwritten by: Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford, CT 06155. TRICARE Form Series includes GBD-3000, GBD-3100, or state equivalent. Policy Numbers: AGP-5925, AGP-5926, AGP-5928. Not available in all states. Photo Credits: DoD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. 
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